A simple script to maintain a gopher phlog using org-mode
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

881 B

Second post <2017-11-12 Sun 22:38>

This is the second post. The system seems to work by now.

The shell script works without major problems and generates a visually pleasant kind of posts, mainly due to the usage of 'par' to justify paragraphs.

First experiments with phl-org <2017-11-12 Sun 20:37>

I decided I will make some experiments with phlogging.

My intention is to use Emacs' org-mode. The idea is to organise each long post as an org-mode entry. A post will start on the first line beginning with a "* " (star-space), and last until another line beginning with "* " is found.

Each post will be put in a separate directory, named after the title (with spaces replaced with "_").

The org-mode buffer will be processes by a simple shell script, called 'phl-org.sh', which creates the necessary directories (one for each post), and refreshes the gophermap.